Sunday, March 11, 2007

Preparing to say Goodbye

"'Never shall I forget the days I spent with you.
Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.' "

Saying goodbye is never easy even when you know there will be a hello. I have been in Colorado for two weeks at Missionary Training International (MTI) where I have learned strategies for integrating into a new culture, resolving conflict among team members, and caring for my soul. The last few days of training will be spent learning how to say goodbye.

One of my fears in attending this training was that I would learn some undiscovered secret about myself that would prevent me from traveling to Zambia. An unconfessed sin or an emotional disorder that would finally surface. Once again God took away fear and replaced it with confidence and affirmation. Zambia is part of my destiny.

What I have learned is that in the excitement of this adventure I have been avoiding saying goodbye. Now, as a result of this training, I have added 39 new people to my goodbye list. My MTI tribe.

How do you teach someone to say goodbye? Today at lunch someone said. "This will be our last Sunday lunch together." That seems so final... What we do know is that for those who have accepted Truth is that there will be a time of reunion whether here on earth or in heaven. I personally, look forward to those hellos in heaven!

I will be returning to Memphis on March 16 where I will have two weeks to spend time with my loved ones saying hello and goodbye. I leave for Zambia on April 2.

I was commissioned by The Love of Christ Church on February 18th and honored by many who stayed for the potluck lunch where I received many warm wishes and words of encouragement. I love my TLC family and look forward to continued fellowship through emails, letters and care packages.

Christ United Methodist Church, as my sending organization, will be commissioning me on March 18th at 12:15 in the Reeves Chapel. All are welcome to attend and stay for a light lunch afterward. This will be a great chance to say goodbye. See directions below. I look forward to seeing you there!

Christ United Methodist Church
4488 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN 38117

(click above for Map quest map)

Parking is available in the Walgreen's parking lot at the corner of Poplar and Grove Park. Walk across Grove Park and enter through the iron gate. The double glass door to the left will lead you to Reeves Chapel.

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