The trip was so eventful it would take several pages to tell about it but a few highlights are:
- Purchase of a Zambian cell phone and receipt of my first Zambian phone call.
- Brief tour of a local supermarket.
- Travel to Choma for a short visit with Jeff Johnson of World Hope International.
- Landrover breakdown on the two lane road through Zambia late at night with zooming 18 wheelers.
- Arrival in Zimba in the sputtering Landrover where it finally died within walking distance of our sleeping quarters for the evening.
- A sick team member.
- Tour of the Zimba hospital and identification of my living quarters for the next two years.
- A very wet yet beautiful walk through the Victoria Falls National Park.
- Presentation by Wayne and Eric to the Jembo Bible School students.
- Very poor internet service due to lack of rainy season and a lightning struck satellite dish.
- Tour of the Jembo High School, Basic School and Clinic.
- A special church service in a bush village organized just for Wayne, Eric and I.
Below are a few pictures I want to share with you so you will have an understanding of the place I will be and with whom I will be associated with during the next two years. Victoria Falls is situated on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. They are 1 mile wide and 420 ft high. The falls are only 1 1/2 hours away from Zimba where I will be living.
This is the 2 bedroom flat in Zimba that has been identified for me to occupy. Although at this time the water does not work and there are some minor repairs that need to be taken care of, I'm sure it will be ready when the container with my things arrive at the end of May. But wait, no promises.....TIA (this is Africa!)
Joan Wallace is a missionary with Global Partners and has been in Zambia for two years. She lives in Zimba and works as a nurse at the hospital. She is looking forward to having a friend in the area and wants to get a bicycle so that we can ride together. I'm sure her time and experience in Zambia will be a great asset to me as I settle into the culture. I am blessed to have Joan living nearby.
Rev. Sitali Kakungu is the National Superintendent of the Pilgrim Wesleyan Church (PWC) in Zambia. The PWC has over 200 churches, several hospitals and clinics that Rev. Kakungu is responsible for. He will be my "in country" supervisor. He has a great vision for the growth of the church and creation of community projects that allow ownership among the village residents and less dependency on foreign involvement.
Jaaaaanet, It looks like you are in Brasil, but the looks of your pictures!!! I guess it will not take much for me to fall in love with your new family there in Zabia!
Bless you my sister and friend and now FELLOW WORKER, you are in my prayers
I love you!
Jaaaaaaaaanet, Miss you already my friend!
By thee pictures, it looks loke you are in Brasil! It will not take much for me to fall in love with your family in Zambia!
You will be a great blessing there and I cannot wait to go see you!
I love you my sister, friend and now Fellow Worker in this huge Harvest!
Joshua 1:8-9
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