My last visit to the states was a rather hectic time. I had exactly 4 weeks to visit family and friends, visit numerous health care professionals, and visit churches that support and pray for me. I was exhausted by the time I returned to Zambia. Did I mentioned that the visit was wedged between two short term mission trips that I hosted? I don't remember learning how to come home when I did my missionary training. I didn't do it very well.
This time I was determined to do it better. I decided what I needed to do was to schedule some R&R before and after visiting my family, friends and church. I planned some time with my family in Jackson, TN before getting all caught up in the hustle and bustle of Memphis. I also felt it necessary to identify a woman whom I could talk to about issues I may experience and who would also challenge me spiritually. The one thing I did not plan was time for someone of the opposite sex. Trust me... God definitely has a sense of humor!

I arrived in Washington DC on December 29 after a day layover in London. Terry Love, a dear friend, met me at the airport and drove me to his house where he and his wife, Felicia, would host me for the next few days. Terry and I have a long history and it was good to see him and spend some time with him, his wife and daughter. They were planning a neighborhood New Years Eve party. I couldn't wait... I love New Year's Eve.
Did I mention that another friend was joining me in Washington that evening? This was a childhood friend that I had not seen in 40 years. Imagine, someone flying to spend a weekend in Washington DC with someone they had not seen in 40 years.
Well, the New Year's Eve party was lots of fun and the ball dropped on Times Square as it does each year. I was quite sure that 2010 was going to be a year I wouldn't forget any time soon.
After my time in Washington I headed to Pennsylvania where I was to have the honor or meeting Dannah Gresh, author of "And The Bride Wore White" and founder of Pure Freedom ministries. Dannah has a heart for Zambia also and had written a curriculum specifically for Zambia addressing the issue of abstinence. God has given me a heart for young people who are lured into sex at an early age and those who believe that sex is love. Dannah had agreed to teach me the curriculum so that I could use it in Zambia.
It was a wonderful time. Dannah saw to it that I was spoiled. I stayed with her parents in their new home, spent some time at Grace Prep High School meeting some incredible students, attended the workshop teaching the purity curriculum and was prayed over by Dannah's prayer warriors. It was an awesome experience and prepared me for my journey home to Tennessee.

When I arrived at my brother's house on Saturday, January 19th I was so surprised to see Christmas lights outside and a tree in the house. My family saved Christmas for me! Sunday afternoon, my brother and his family, my sisters, nieces, nephews, great nephews, great nieces and that friend from 40 years ago all gathered for a Christmas meal, gift exchange and of course, Dirty Santa. It was a great time and very meaningful.
After one week in Jackson it was time to head to Memphis to visit with dear friends and those who support me through their gifts and prayers.
Speaking in front of hundreds of people is not my idea of fun but I must say by the end of my time in Memphis I was a lot more comfortable with the idea. What used to take 10 minutes for me

The other churches that were on my scheduled were Parkburg Baptist Church, Jackson, TN, McKinney Memorial Bible Church, Fort Worth, TX and First Wesleyan Church of Battle Creek, MI.
Ok, I will admit it now... it is my fault that the USA had so much snow this year. I planned my time home so that I could experience cold weather and I wanted to "see" some snow. Not only did I see snow but I was able to play in it, travel in it and watch it fall frequently. Be careful what you ask God for... it snowed every week I was in the states.
Spiritually my time in the states was a renewal time for me. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Janet Sheehan who provided the spiritual challenge I was looking for. She introduced me to a new devotional, Jesus Calling. She spent numerous hours with me while I rattled on about my experiences in Zambia, my challenges of being in the states and this growing relationship with the 40 year friend. Yes, he was still hanging around.
I struggle with the feeling of inadequacy and I question why God would use someone like me... I know the answer... because I am willing. (I frequently remind myself that He even used a donkey!) I love God and I am in awe of all that he has done for me. I am humbled that no matter where I took him he never gave up on me. I praise Him for how my life has changed since I realized that His way is the only way.
I left Memphis feeling refreshed and excited about returning to Zambia. I felt the power of everyone who had been praying for me. I was energized by the interest of those who were just learning about Zambia. I knew that it was time to go "home". I was secure in the knowledge that "he chose me (I changed the pronoun) in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."- Ephesians 1:4 I also left feeling assured that God would keep all his promises to me just as he had kept his promises to Abraham.
The last two weeks in the states were spent with family and that 40 year friend. Yes, I couldn't shake him. He was a persistent fella! It was difficult leaving them behind but I knew without any doubt that my return to Zambia was God ordained. What a great feeling!
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We love your updates and pray for you regularly. Blessings! The Winns
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