Monday, December 10, 2007

King Cotton in Zambia

This is an article published in the Commercial Appeal in Memphis, TN. It's about Zambia, the HIV/AIDs epidemic and how a local Memphis Company, Dunavant Enterprises, is helping.

My home is just feet away from the hospital morgue. It is not unusual to hear the wails from the mourners of the dead at all times of the day. The most eerie are those when I am laying in bed trying to sleep or awaking from my slumber. Many of the deaths are reported as caused by pneumonia, meningitis, etc. but the true culprit is HIV/AIDS.

Please read the article and gain a better understanding of the country I live in and the challenges it faces. The cotton industry is just one of the areas affected by this deadly disease. There are many other areas suffering as well.

Understand as well, that there are many organizations in Zambia dedicated to treating, educating and eradicating this disease but the greatest need here is spiritual growth and renewal. Although Zambia claims to be a Christian nation, it's cultural traditions are not always supportive of the values taught by the Bible. Well meaning people still practice polygamy even though they are taught what the Bible teaches about marriage and sexual conduct. Despite the good work being done by many non-governmental organizations, unless the people accept the truths taught by the Bible and live them daily, this deadly disease will not end.

For such a time as this,


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