The thing that impresses me about Mercy Ministries is that it was founded by nationals who know the needs of the community and have a vision for providing those needs. It's board is comprised of nationals as well and all the funds raised go directly to the services provided for the people in the community.
Davidson and Dorothy Phiri started this faith based non-profit organization in 1996 after Dorothy heard God tell her to take care of the needy. At first she thought this meant the children and the youth but as God continued to place "the needy" in her path she realized it also included the sick, the widows and the elderly. Today Mercy Ministries International serves the community of Chainda through Chifundo Community School, support groups for the elderly, widows and orphan caregivers, conducts a certified Bible School and monthly outreaches to the sick.
Chifundo Community School was the first project started by the Phiri's. She originally rented a couple of small rooms in the town of Chainda but as the student attendance grew they had to expand. Davidson and Dorothy sold their comfortable self-contained house and acquired land just on the outskirts of Chainda. They moved their family of 4 children to a small three room house with a pit latrine and outdoor shower. All their extra funds went into paying the teachers salaries, providing school supplies and purchasing food items to feed the children.
Through the efforts of the Phiri's friends, co-workers and acquaintances several individuals and churches have been introduced to the work of Mercy Ministries. Financial support for their ministry is growing and therefore the ministry services are growing. This year, for first time since 1996, Dorothy receives a small salary as the ministry Director.
Dorothy isn't the only Phiri that works at the ministry. Their children are just as involved. Naomi teaches pre-school, Edna serves as the bookkeeper and DJ drives the bus. Many of the Phiri's family, friends and church members assist as well. This is truly a Zambian affair. Actually, Chifundo Mission School is named after their daughter, Mercy, who is disabled. Chifundo means Mercy in the local language.
Today MMI has the following programs:
Chifundo Mission School is for orphans and vulnerable children. 371 children from Chainda and Ibex Hill communities attend the school. Of these children 24 are disabled and are taught in a special classroom designed specifically for disabled students. Each of the 371 children receive a meal at school. Sometimes this is the only meal the children receive that day.
Women’s Development Program for widows and orphan caretakers teaching them tie dying, batiking, tailoring and molding of recycled glass beads. The profit received from the sale of their products is distributed among the women.
Senior Citizens receive food supplements and clothing as resources are available.

Youth Skills and Sports Program teaches the youth cement block making and gardening skills. The blocks are used for building expansion on the ministry grounds and the youth gain a skill that they can use to earn an income. Sports such as football (soccer) and netball are used to teach them teamwork and to keep them off the streets.

Community Bible School provides a certificate from CBS South Africa. Students must be recommended by local pastors.
Outreach Programs
- HIV/AIDS Support Unit
- Youth Rallies
- Drug and Alcohol Sensitization
- Evangelism
Support Groups are provided for caregivers of special needs children and orphans/vulnerable children.
Vision and Dreams to be accomplished in the next 3-5 years
1. Disabled children: Create a training center where older children/youth with disabilities can learn an income generating skill so they live independently. Create a place where children (10 years old and up) can learn basic life skills. Provide a living environment (on the property) to keep children safe and teach them basic day to day living skills.

2. Chifundo Mission School: Improve the standards of the education so that many students go on to secondary and others to college. Instill in them the responsibility to come back and help the school and other students.
3. Batik and Recycled Glass Beads Projects: Create quality products that sell on the international market. Profits will benefit the individuals who participate and a percentage of the profits will lead to sustainability of the ministry.

So where do I, Janet, fit into this ministry. God has given Dorothy a vision for what is most needed in the community. She has the "big picture" and is able to communicate this vision to others so that they can understand how they can be a part of what God is doing. As the ministry grows so does the day to day responsibilities. Administratively there is more than Dorothy can do alone. So, Dorothy has asked me to come along beside her and help out with the day to day running of the ministry. My responsibilities include but are not limited to monitoring the budget, setting up systems for financial accountability, communicating with donors and coordinating short term mission teams.
Working with Mercy Ministries has allowed me to get involved in community. Everyday I get to see God working in the lives of orphans, widows and the sick. I get to share His love by encouraging the staff and by praying with those in despair. I do it not for me, not for the recognition but to glorify the one who gave me eternal life. I hope one day to hear Him say..."Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40